track movement children Family locator - find out where your children are

Family Locator allows you to see the location of all family members on one map. From one Mobile-Locator account you can track the geodata of up to 5 devices simultaneously.

A tool for tracking the movements of family members | Mobile-Locator

Family Locator

The Family Locator tool lets you know where your family members are - and their geolocation is displayed on the same map. The number of tracked accounts does not affect the accuracy and speed of tracking, and the available functionality of the application:

  • You can track the geodata of 5 (or less) people at the same time.
  • You can set up a separate notification system for each subscriber.
  • In order to set parental control permanently, it is enough to pay for the corresponding package of services once.
  • All your family members' location data is stored on our servers in encrypted form.
  • The more tracking sessions you create, the lower the price per session becomes.
  • Device

Marking zones on the map

All users of the tool can mark zones on the map to quickly understand where exactly the user who is being tracked is located. The app also displays the address of the nearest building - this data is displayed if the user has been in the same location for longer than 5 minutes. The software also saves a history of each target user's movements, meaning you can see where your spouse or child has been at any time of interest, if necessary. Sign up and create an account now to get access to the app at a discounted price.

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