Phone Number Directory: Find out a person's address by number online

The application will help you find the home and work addresses of any subscriber on the map by phone number or locate his phone number by address.

Phone number

Enter the phone number of a person whose address you want to track:

The software is compatible with devices running on the platforms iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS, Symbian, and BlackBerry. The tool receives the information from the resource pursuant to Privacy Policy,. Mobile-locator allowing you to track the current location of target devices, reflecting their geolocation on the map in real time.

Obtained data will be available in the section "Geolocation" of the Dashboard.. All the information about our customers is stored on the resource servers in encrypted form.

Innovative phone number directory with address identification

The software exploits three technologies. It can parse the phone books and address databases worldwide, track the geolocation of SIM cards, and use AI to analyze data. As a result, users get access to the tool that can find any addresses and phone numbers as well as determine the relevance of received data.

Modern ways of finding geodata

Data import and export

If you need to determine a large number of phone numbers or addresses, collect the initial data in CSV or XLS tables using the template available on the Dashboard, and use the data import tool to load them into the application. The data is exported in the opposite way - the tracked data is converted into a table and then downloaded to the device.

Address log

All addresses, which were found by phone number or used for searching, are saved in the Address Log. There you can find original data and search results or display addresses on a map. Moreover, this section reflects the names of people who were somehow mentioned in the databases in terms of specific address.

Notifications of change of address

Thanks to the payment model, Mobile-Locator is extremely effective for long-term tracking. Once you have bought the application, you can use it for the lifetime. It tracks the subscriber's location even if you haven't used your account for a long time. If the subscriber decides to change his place of residence, software will notify you of it by email.

Statistics: the application collects and analyses data from 5000 sources

Geotracking: Locate the subscriber by phone number

When geolocating a target user, the application uses data from cell towers that communicate with mobile operators. Exploiting the vulnerability of the technology used for data transfer, Mobile-Locator connects to the channel through which information about the target phone number is transmitted, and then transfers the data about its current location to the Dashboard.

Global Address Directory: Identifying someone else's address by phone number

The catalogue contains data from address and phone books worldwide; the software constantly monitors, collects, and updates outdated information. However, the main reference source is the publicly available databases of telecom operators and other companies that collect and store the addresses and phone numbers of their customers.

Interactive web maps: Find a subscriber on the map

The app displays tracked addresses and location points on the map. Despite the wide range of app features, you can easily open the map and it works quickly on any device. You can track a subscriber's location on this map, save and sort the addresses, switch between addresses on the easy-to-use Dashboard, import and export addresses from Google Maps and other maps.

Offline access to app features

You can activate the automatic data caching feature in the application settings. Once this feature has been activated, Mobile-Locator will store tracked information, address directories and a map of the country in which the target phone number has been registered in the device's memory. Users can manage the process, delete or add the cache data and directories that they would like to use offline.

Locating a landline phone number by address

The algorithm used for locating a landline phone number includes several stages. First, the application inspects the telephone directories and databases. Then, it activates advanced web search. The software tracks the address on message boards, the posts on social networks, and in the digital archives of the WayBack Machine. Comparison of the results will help you to locate the phone number of your interest by the address.

Identify the subscriber's name by address or phone number

In this case, the approach to search depends on the provided information. When searching by number, the software exploits a built-in tool that allows you to find out the subscriber's name in the Contact Lists of other people. When searching by address, the app uses databases to get required result. However, keep in mind that several people can be registered at the same address.

Locate a place of residence by phone number

The application searches for information about the subscriber in the available databases. Having provided you with the received data, the software starts tracking his travel routes in the background mode. For several days, the app will track a subscriber's whereabouts at night, compare the results with previously received data, and provide you with the analysis results.

Find out the visited addresses

The software can request from the mobile operator the history of a subscriber's travel routes for a specified period of time, which should not exceed 7 days. The received data will be displayed on the map as geotags. The user can specify a certain period of time on the Dashboard. Next, the application will highlight a subscriber's location and centralize it on the map.


Global сustomer support

The Mobile-Locator team values each customer and pays special attention to the accuracy of features, continuously striving to improve the offered service.


User's trust rating

According to recent survey, this is the number of customers who want to use the service again. We really appreciate this.


Can the application locate the addresses visited outside the city?

The application determines the addresses in any settlements that are plotted on the map.

Does Mobile-Locator identify the real place of residence or the address indicated in the databases?

Once the search of target address has been completed, all the located addresses will become available along with indication of how exactly the particular address was found. When looking up a phone number by an address, the application operates in the same way.

How much space will the address directory take if I download it to my device?

The size of archive depends on the population of a particular region, but it usually does not exceed 20 MB.

How often do you update the database used for data search?

We regularly update the database. As a rule, once we have found new, previously unused databases on the market, we will immediately implement them into the online application.

Is there a chance that the database of a given mobile operator might detect the software during their interaction?

The probability of detecting the application performance is close to zero. User privacy and search anonymity are our top priority, therefore we constantly monitor any changes in the security system of mobile operators.

User Reviews

star star star star star5

You know, it is actually quite a funny story. I didn't even know there were such applications. I wanted to find the address of one guy I liked and asked for advice on social networks. People from one group recommended this application, which I am totally in love with now. I found out his home address and where he is working. So, now I always know his whereabouts.

instagram Instagram
star star star star star5

It's great to live in the age of technology! I used Mobile-Locator to find old friends after I returned to my hometown. I had only their old phone numbers left and they were out of use. I decided to take a chance, and it really paid back. I found a couple of dozen addresses linked to these phone numbers, and in the end I managed to meet every one of them!

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star star star star star5

Thanks a lot for this app! It helped me find the number of the jerk living in the house next door. So, now I can sleep tight without listening to his crazily loud music. I'm unlikely to use this app again, but it was totally worth it. It also works quite quickly, and gives the correct result. In general, I recommend it.

instagram Instagram
star star star star star5

What a clever and high-quality app. I used it to optimize and update the client database, find the phones of those with only addresses, and vice versa. I liked the app interface, it is so simple and intuitive even though the app has so many features. A+ performance!

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star star star star star5

I bought this application as an online phone directory, I have been looking for something similar for quite some time now. It works perfectly offline too. I also like that it can find out a person's name in other people's Contact Lists. For example, I learned a lot of new things about myself:))

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star star star star star5

I wanted to see my school friend. I had her number in my phone memory. The phone number was not used for a very long time. So, it was practically useless. Using this app, I was able to find out the exact address she is living now at! We were so happy to see each other ❤️.

Google Google
Still have questions? We will be happy to answer them. If you want to leave a review or make any suggestion, you can do it in the section "User Reviews" or contact Customer Support.
Last update Mobile Locator 2.0.0
Finding out caller's name
We've added the feature that helps to sync the application with the calls. Now, when you receive a call, Mobile-Locator will send you a notification with the caller's name, which is most often saved in other people's phone memory. The feature can be enabled in the settings. Don't forget to turn on notifications and give the app the necessary permissions.
The database has almost doubled.
We bought all the publicly available data.
What are the modern alternatives to the phone directories?

International Scale

We do not limit search results to a specific country or continent, we think globally!
Use Mobile Locator to locate or track someone else's device worldwide.

The software operates on all the mobile platforms and networks worldwide.
